" Atlanta Concert Band

Date: Feb 23, 2025
Time: 4:00 PM

Jennie T. Anderson Theater
548 South Marietta Pkwy SE
Marrietta, ga 30060

Every Sunday Evening
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church (Fellowship Hall)
471 Mount Vernon Highway
Sandy Springs, Ga. 30328

The Atlanta Concert Band's mission is committed to enriching the lives of our patrons through performance and education. During each concert, in addition to the great music, we provide you with the story behind the music.

We are proud to bring you these stories and a variety of other educational materials on our
Atlanta Concert Band Learning Channel
on YouTube.

Take Pride and Donate
Take pride in our local concert bands and help keep them alive by making a donation.

Join the Band

The band is always accepting new player applications. We maintain a player waiting list to use when new playing positions become available. We are currently searching for players to fill the positions listed below. If you are interested in filling one of the below playing positions or would like to be placed on the waiting list please fill out the form below.

Bassoon - 1 position
English Horn - 1 position
Oboe - 1 position
Trumpet - 1 position
Tuba - 1 position
Student Mentor - Any instrument

I am a High School Student applying for the "Jack Miller Student Mentor" program.

Please provide additional information regarding your playing experience or any other information you wish to provide.

Do you have a Kroger Plus Card?

If so - Help the Atlanta Concert Band raise funds by listing the Atlanta Concert Band on your Kroger Plus Card Rewards Community Fund Raising Program. It’s easy to do!

Your purchases at Kroger will help the Atlanta Concert Band raise money.

Sign up at Krogercommunityrewards.com. Select the Community Rewards Link and then select the Atlanta Concert Band by entering our organization ID number “YK146” in the search box.

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