" Atlanta Concert Band

Date: May 04, 2025
Time: 4:00 PM
Admission: Free

Crabapple Marketplace
12650 Crabapple Road
Alpharetta, GA 30004

Every Sunday Evening
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM

Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church (Fellowship Hall)
471 Mount Vernon Highway
Sandy Springs, Ga. 30328

The Atlanta Concert Band's mission is committed to enriching the lives of our patrons through performance and education. During each concert, in addition to the great music, we provide you with the story behind the music.

We are proud to bring you these stories and a variety of other educational materials on our
Atlanta Concert Band Learning Channel
on YouTube.

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Take pride in our local concert bands and help keep them alive by making a donation.

The Atlanta Concert Band: A Variety of Music for Diverse Audiences Throughout the Area

The ACB is a versatile music ensemble that revels in the opportunity to bring to our audiences everything from classical and traditional music to pop, jazz, movie scores and even music selected from popular video games!

Please see our upcoming schedule of concerts for this season's details.

We are eager to bring our music to all the people of the Atlanta area, so along with our regular concert venues we have made a great effort to bring the band to different areas around Atlanta, performing at established venues and arts centers, high schools, churches and synagogues around the metro area. In our decades of performance around Atlanta, we have also entertained outdoor audiences from Little Five Points to Atlantic Station to Stone Mountain to Marietta Square and many more locations. Our performances are presented to the public and/or special audiences, typically free of charge. We are striving to provide accessibility to the arts to populations for whom concert attendance may not be a common opportunity.

In addition, we have ongoing outreach efforts for music education to Georgia's youth, with a goal to connect with schools and educational programs throughout the area and provide concerts, mentoring and unique connections with the live performance arts. From our student mentoring program to our website educational materials and our YouTube educational channel, and including our varied performance locations, we make outreach and exposure to a wide variety of music a core part of our mission.

The Big Peach Swing Band, our partner group formed in association with the ACB, allows us to reach additional audiences with traditional swing and jazz performances both live around the region and through online performances. Additionally, smaller musical groups made up of ACB members allow us to bring our music to smaller venues, with recent performances at nursing homes, the Christkindl Market in Buckhead, and at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

Our Purpose: The Atlanta Concert Band is a traditional concert band or community band, with a dual mission of bringing arts to our community and providing a forum for arts education to the next generation. Emphasis is on:

  • Performance of a wide variety of classical, modern and traditional band music for audiences throughout the greater Atlanta area.
  • Introduction of children to great music in a fun atmosphere.
  • Providing individual musicians in the community with an outlet to maintain and improve their musical skills and talent.
  • Assisting and encouraging young students of music through our mentoring programs and selected participation in the band.

Performance Schedule

  • Concert  - Free - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    Crabapple Marketplace, 12650 Crabapple Road, Alpharetta, GA 30004   |  Admission: Free

  • Concert - 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

    Marietta National Cemetery, 500 Washington Ave NE, Marietta, GA 30060

  • Concert  - free - 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    Glover Park, Marietta, 50 N Park Square, Marietta, GA 30060   |  Admission: free

  • Concert  - Free - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    Jordan Vocational High School Auditorium, 3200 Howard Ave., Columbus, Georgia 31904   |  Admission: Free

  • Concert - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    Temple Emanu-el, 1580 Spalding Dr, Sandy Springs, GA 30350

  • Concert  - Free - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, 471 Mt. Vernon Hwy, Atlanta, GA 30328   |  Admission: Free

Do you have a Kroger Plus Card?

If so - Help the Atlanta Concert Band raise funds by listing the Atlanta Concert Band on your Kroger Plus Card Rewards Community Fund Raising Program. It’s easy to do!

Your purchases at Kroger will help the Atlanta Concert Band raise money.

Sign up at Krogercommunityrewards.com. Select the Community Rewards Link and then select the Atlanta Concert Band by entering our organization ID number “YK146” in the search box.

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